Movers and Shakers Dance Camp
Ages: 4 to 6 years old
When: July 16 – July 20, 2018 | 9 am – Noon
If you’re looking for . . .
• Professional Expert Faculty That Care
• Fun & Recreational Programs
• School of Mystic Ballet
You Found It!
This high energy camp will bring boys and girls who like to move into the world of dance, music and theater arts for an engaging week of creativity and movement! In addition to exploring all kinds of dance, exploring classical, hip-hop, jazz, folk and even acrobatics to a variety of music in class each day, children will engage in age appropriate activities, including learning age appropriate dances, using props and costumes. Students will learn about pantomimes and body language, to create characters and act using emotions. Each day students will have a brief snack time (parent provided) and will conclude with a craft related to the dance genre of the day. All craft materials and props are provided. Space is limited.
Tuition: $185
For more information, please call 860.536.3671 or e-mail